The online classroom brings with a set of challenges unknown to the face to face community. In an online community the students must learn to operate within an environment that is created using technology. It is easy for someone to feel isolated from others if the community is not presenting an open environment where the student feels welcome and excepted. This community must provide the learner with a sense of comfort. Here the learning environment has been taken and divided among the instructor and the students. The learning activities must be eased into for those who may not have a full understanding of this method. The student although aiding in setting the environment must understand that their peers will be part of their learning process. This is often a phase that students needs to adjust to their peers. Students that are new to this environment will need time to adjust to learner to learner pushing the discussions. The instructor is challenged with establishing the foundation of this community but it is the students and the instructor that must keep the community thriving. If the student can maintain a sense of belonging in this community the learning curve can be maintain with hopefully of an upward nature. The verse of this is that the student doesn’t feel the connection with the community and their performance never gets a true start. It could be from a feeling of isolation that is must common in an online community. If the instructor doesn’t make the connection with the student or the students doesn’t grasp the necessity of the community the satisfaction level with the class will most likely not meet with acceptance. It is important that the student see the involvement of the instructor in the community and the learning process. Although the environment is student centered, the student functions better if there is guidance from the instructor.
The essential elements for building an online community is that the instructor knows the technology. If the instructor doesn’t the CMS or LMS the instructor will not have credibility with the students. The instructor must be involved with the community. The tone is set by the instructor. Here you energize the learning environment and empower the student. What are you using for a naming convention? Is it appealing to the students? These should be inviting the student into a warm learning environment. Ensure the course is easy to navigate. Take a trail run to see if there are any foreseen problems. Create a welcome letter, letting the students know that you are eager to meet them and help them in the learning process. Provide them with a personal bio and introduction so they can see that you are human too. Invite the student to create an intro and bio of themselves and converse with the other student. Create an icebreaker to get the student involved into conversing with each other. Here you are creating the building blocks of the online community. If this is done correctly, keeping and sustaining the community will not become a problem. Keeping the student engaged in communication and discussions aids in staining the community. The instructor should continue to plug into what the students are doing throughout the class. Always maintain a presence with the community so the students never feel as if they are on their own. Re-enforce the learning processes of the learner to learner. A strong community in the online setting provides the foundation for the effective learning environment. A good relationship is developed; when the students are connected to the processes and to each other in an online community and an atmosphere of togetherness aids in the learning and the instruction within the community.
Reference: Video program “Online Learning Communities” by Dr. Rena Palloff and Dr. Keith Pratt.
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