Sunday, February 7, 2010

Reflection on my Mindmap

The connection I have made over the past few years have depend my desire to learn more about human learning. In order to bring this into my daily life, these groups have caused me to question my methods of approach and design. Early on the organization I was employed by kept me confine to a conservative structure very little technology. I am presently an independent working others that believe innovation is a must if you want to grow. I now look at ways of learning that I could not see in the past. For instance; I was recently asked to work with some student that had the tag of hard to teach. I asked the administrators why they said they could not learn. The reply was stocking, so I want repeat it. I asked to meet the student and when I did I asked the student if they could play video? Everyone knows the answer was yes. I asked the student who show them how to play the games and 99.9% stated they showed themselves. I had made my point. If these young minds could learn video game they could learn English. My connections have shown me how to look outside the box. I can see student moving forward if we upgrade our learning tools. I have found that my camera, computer and digital recorder help learn in fast pace environment. I can record the speaker’s notes and place them on my computer. As I listen I can research any statements that is made on a topic I’m interested. The Google search engine has become one of my best friends.

The teams I work with also help me expand my knowledge. When I ask a question it isn’t a quick answer and let’s go to lunch. I normally get why are you ask this question. The groups I’m around seldom answers a question but they do guild you to the answer which in term enhances your knowledge. This is a great way to become smarter fast and increase you knowledge base. One question can cause me to study for days. In the process my knowledge base is increasing and because I normally on the internet. Connectivism works well for me. I like reaching out to others and grabbing the information I need. When I work with technology, it becomes easier for me to blend my ideas into a working solution. My personal network are all companies and people that work with technology or working overseas where they use technology to post their findings. So it becomes easy for me to find out the last with youth in Kenya, Haiti and compare them to students in America. When I look at my findings on PowerPoint I can see all the hands connecting.

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